Sunday, November 22, 2009

a random happening & sandwich making & photo scavenger hunt

Why did I just change my blog layout to the "harbor" template? 'Cause I feel like it. I'm in a harbor-y mood. It's been a few days since I blogged, so I thought I'd switch some things up. Try something new, you know?

I can't remember when I took this... but recently I saw something very interesting...

Yeah. I wasn't even sure how I was going to write about that. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? There you go.

On Friday (11/20), Steffo and I made sandwiches for the homeless! Yay for being good Samaritans :D

Just to be clear, those are pictures of me NOT eating a sandwich for a homeless person & NOT abusing mascot/best friend, Stanley. I worked very hard.

Later on Saturday (11/21), Steffo and I participated in this photo scavenger hunt at the National History Museum! I love scavenger hunts :D

That is a picture of one of our tasks: digging in a pit with a little blond boy in the bottom right hand corner. As you can see, we completed this task masterfully.

As expected, we came out victorious! Three-time championssss :D We won $10 gift cards to 21 Choices (To be honest... I've never been and I'm not all that interested, but winning is winning and I'm a winner!)

I think it's safe to say that I can put photo scavenger hunt as one of my fortes on my resume. Enough gloating, I'm going to suffer from more homework now D:

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