Sunday, November 8, 2009

it's time to be wild. freestyle.

Today has been rather uneventful aside from dance practices, so.... this will be a post about dancing!

Even though I'm still ridiculously sick, I woke up today and was super energetic! I don't really know what was going on with me, but I was pumped up and ready to go... even though I had nowhere to go.... so I practiced some dance routines & learned a bit of a new one.

Back in high school, I taught popular Korean dances and performed them... it was loads of fun and I was hoping to do it here in college. Lucky for me, an opportunity might be coming my way! I'm way too excited about it, so I should calm down as to avoid disappointing myself if it doesn't work out :\

I have these relatively new ballet slippers that I haven't sewn up yet, so I just keep tying the straps around my ankle and it has funky folds in them now :\ Actually, I need to invest more money into buying dance attire. Funny how I've been dancing for a huge chunk of my life and I don't have basic stuff like jazz pants, leotards (that properly fit), sweats etc etc. I have random things like pedinis & character shoes. Not very practical!! D:

I'm hoping my studio back home has lots of workshops when I go back 'cause I miss dancing hip hop on a routinely basis. Here, I do lots of Traditional Chinese styled-dancing (which I have no prior experience in) and a bit of jazz/lyrical almost everyday. I haven't really started dancing with this other dance group yet, which is supposed to be hip hop-oriented, but... we'll see how that goes! I'm missing the upbeat fast-paced dancing!

Here are some blue-footed boobies doing their thang.

the boogie that be.

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