Wednesday, December 16, 2009

last few days at school... part 2!

I forgot to write about a few other things!

In order to use up our remaining dining dollars, Steffo and I went crazy and bought lots of cereal bars/water/everything. Here's an unusually long power bar that Steffo bought.

While waiting forever at the ticket office to find out if our suite mates wanted to go watch this dance show with us, we walked over to the school pharmacy. We were browsing at the various products and something caught our eye.

We were pretty enthralled at our discovery, but every time we touched a box... all of the other boxes would fall over and whenever we tried to stack them properly, they'd all fall over AGAIN. It took us a really long time to put all the boxes back in their original places.

And... I got a care package made by my high school from my parents! Whoo!

It's actually not anything super amazing. Just some food, school newsletter and a nice little pamphlet of messages from my senior teachers. I appreciate the thoughtfulness though!

AW YEAH! To celebrate the completion of our Japanese final exam, my Japanese class and I went to go eat Korean barbecue! ('cause we should be eating Korean food after a Japanese test) Now for a random picture of an enthusiastic classmate.

Also, my suite mates and I did Secret Santa :D It was really fun 'cause we haven't had the chance to hang out all together in so long! We were so busy with studying/midterms/papers that it was really nice to hang out. I was Brittany's Secret Santa and I spent a lot of time looking for a good gift to give her. I forgot to take a picture, but I bought her a design-your-own-calendar thing, white beanie, lip gloss and a friendship bracelet made by yours truly. Hopefully, she liked it! My Secret Santa was... Julia! She got me a t-shirt, 2 pairs of socks and a bracelet! I was so thrilled about being with everyone that I felt like not studying. (...wonderful idea! I had 2 finals the next day.)

Lastly, a picture of my best friends Stanley and Steffo getting cozy on her bed. <3


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