Sunday, December 27, 2009

always behind D:

There's always so much to write about!! I think I'm going to try and get everything up to date today!

So on Thursday (12/17), I visited my high school! I finally got to see our senior present hung up on Main Hall too :D

Looks a lot better on a building than on the floor when we painted it :D

Also, I hung out with Sambo that day too! Whooo! We ate at this Thai restaurant since we couldn't originally find the Korean one. For some reason, I had an outrageous amount of change, so I thought I'd use it when we paid for our food.

That's just 25 cents worth of pennies.

Later on Sunday (12/20), I had a mini get together with Aileen, Emily and Sambo! We just hung out and watched Jurassic Park on the new HD TV my dad bought. It's so clear it looks like the dinosaurs are coming at you! :0

My wonderful friends also brought me some b-day gifts :D

That's all for this mini post, but I'll probably post more in 2 seconds or something.

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