Saturday, May 22, 2010

on my way to china!

I finally made it! I usually deal with long flights well, but I'm sick (an intense cold, perhaps?) and I couldn't wait to get off! The reason why my flight was extra long was 'cause my dad didn't book my flight early enough and I had to make a 5 hour stop in Japan (which I would usually really really love).

The stop there wasn't completely horrible though! I am now pretty familiar with the Narita airport haha I've walked to like every corner of the international flights portion of the airport. One day, I'll explore the domestic side!

The best part of wandering around was coming across the Narita Origami Museum! It was amazing!! I loved it so much I kept taking pictures of it like a freak. I have tons of pictures, but I'll put up a few here and the rest will be on Facebook! All in all, I need to go to a bigger origami museum.

Also, it was kind of crazy figuring out how to get to my dorm 'cause I had to talk to the taxi cab driver :( He was the first person I have ever spoken to with a real Beijing accent and if I couldn't understand him/he couldn't understand me, we'd pretty much hit a roadblock (haha unintentional pun) :( Fortunately, he was a nice guy and we had some interesting small talk :) Except he's a freakin beast and drove hella fast and pretty much like wove through traffic like a psycho, I thought I was going to die!

Here I am, alive the next morning and I can feel it, it's gonna be sooo hot today (or well everyday!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"don't you love it when..." #1 & twitter

A new segment! Not really all that original since it's just the opposite of my "don't you hate it when..."s :P I didn't really think I'd make it since it just seemed more fun to write about random things I hated, but I felt the need to make it today!

Don't you love it when you go to a hair salon and the people wash your hair? (Even that little girl is doing it.) IT FEELS SO GOOD. Mmm if only I could wash my hair like that all the time.

As you can probably guess, I just went to go get my hair cut and now my head feels like several pounds lighter! It's a nice feeling!

Totally unrelated, but I got myself a Twitter! What a momentuous day. I never thought I would get one, but now I have one and I'm not entirely sure how to work it. Technology is so complicated :( Follow me and teach me how to work this thing! []

Monday, May 17, 2010

finished my first year of college!

It feels like it went by all too quickly :( Now I feel like I have to do everything I possibly can within my remaining 3 years!! I guess you could say that's both a good and bad way to look at things haha

It's nice to be home, but I feel like I'm in a rush since soon after coming home on Tuesday (5/11), I drove back down to SoCal (LA & SD) for my Grandma's 10th year anniversary as a nun (that's not an often celebrated occasion)!

Now I only have 3 days until I'm off to Japan (for 5 hours) then to Beijing, China! Feeling excited, busy and tired right now though! There's too much preparation and packing to be done :(